This holiday, thanks to Mapa Mapa's work, was like my favourite triple flavoured icecream- a combination of river, hills and the sea.
First let me tell you about the Konaseema cruise where we spent a day and night on a houseboat on the lap of the river Godavari. I had taken my drawing book and in one of the pictures you are seeing me trying to draw the sunset as I see the sun sinking into the river water.
The Araku Valley
The next in line was trip to the Araku Valley for which we took the train from Vizag. On the way back to Vizag from Araku Valley, we saw the Borra Caves (which Dadai by a slip of tongue once called Burra Caves- well you might be interested in knowing that Burra is the name by which Dadai calls me) and all of us, including Bhaiti, went down 400 steps into the earth to see the centuries old fossils.
The last word- On this trip everyone had a lovely time -I played on the beach to my heart's content, Biga slept to his heart's content, Dadai bathed to his heart's content, while Mapa Mapa just walked and walked around to her heart's content, saying that it was part of her work and no one ( not even Dadai) dared to stop her for fear for missing another fabulous holiday like this.