Monday, December 29, 2008

Horsley Hills : I trot off again

We ( Myself Bigga and Ma) just got back from a short trip to Horsley Hills, the smallest the greenest and the cutest hill station I have ever been to. The place was just a resort on the top of a forested hill. We stayed in cottages on the hill slopes and for the first time in my life I saw that roof could be slanting and not straight. The resort to my delight ( and my parents dismay) had a proper play area with swings slides and climbing bars- and needless to say, most of my time out was spent there. I also splashed out in the paddle pool trying to swim like I had seen the fishes in the aquarium do.
Just opposite our resort was a mini zoo where I regularly fed the rabbits leaves and carrots secured from cook uncle in the restaurant - and IT WAS A WONDERFUL FEELING. Wish I could bring at least one of the soft cuddly pets back home.

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